Dancing With The Statesboro Stars

In 2018, I was reached out to from Kim Billings (PR director for Safe Haven) and Brian Realiza (choreographer/dancer). I grew up in the area, so I was asked if I wanted to participate in Dancing with the Statesboro Stars — a huge organization and fundraiser for Safe Haven. I’d never danced before and was kind of on the fence, but decided to go with it. I had an amazing partner in Stephanie Viness. I began to practice every single day.
We were able to come up with a concept that won the whole thing! It was a great experience that showed how important self-confidence and effort is. And it had an impact. I still dance every day. It’s become a part of who I am. I talk a lot about self-expression. My staff will tell you I’m dancing all the time now, and it’s become part of how I express myself outside of music, business, food and such.
Check our our moves!